[R-sig-DB] RSQLite Wish List

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothend|eck @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Aug 5 21:56:05 CEST 2007

I've got one additional wish list item related to those below:

4. dbWriteTable/sqlImportFile should support quoted fields so
that csv files can be supported.

On 8/3/07, Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck using gmail.com> wrote:
> Just thought I would post my wish list for RSQLite in case anyone
> is interested in adding some features to it:
> 1. sqliteImportFile uses an eol argument which specifies line endings
> and currently defaults to "\n".  It would be better if it queried the file
> to find out what line endings actually used were and use those as the
> default.
> Second best would be to use a default based on the current
> platform so on Windows it would use "\r\n" and on UNIX it would use "\n".
> This is only second best since it does not take into account use of
> UNIX files on Windows and Windows files on UNIX.
> 2. sqliteImportFile is sufficiently important that it should
> have its own .Rd page in RSQLite and the connection with
> dbWriteTable made clearer.  Alternately make it possible
> to read the dbWriteTable page without reference to
> sqliteImportFile.
> 3. it would be nice if one could use arbitrary R functions in
> SQLite select statements such as:
> "select avg(Sepal_Length), sd(Sepal Width) from iris"
> where sd, not being part of SQLite, would be
> found within R and used.  This would involve changes to the R
> version of SQLite.   Next best would be to add a fixed set
> of common functions such as sd, var, etc.

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