[R-sig-DB] Segmentation faults using RSQLite

Richard Bourgon bourgon @end|ng |rom eb|@@c@uk
Mon Nov 6 14:33:58 CET 2006

I'm relatively new to accessing databases from within R, and have  
been having trouble with segmentation faults when using RSQLite.

My application requires a single table of doubles with 225 columns  
and about 6M rows. The following session transcript mimics this  
table, and consistently produces errors: sometimes an immediate seg  
fault, and sometimes one of several odd but non-critical error  
messages, an example of which appears below. (In the latter case, if  
I try to rerun the bit that generated the error, then I usually get  
the seg fault.)

Small numbers of retrievals always work fine (i.e., the single  
"get_table()" call below, or looping only 50 or 100 times), while  
large numbers lead to the errors. If I reduce the number of columns  
in the table, I also seem to avoid the errors.

Some version info is given below, but please let me know if anything  
else would be helpful. I didn't use the fancy options when installing  
the RSQLite package, so as best I can tell, it's using the compiled  
library that gets built in the sqlite/lib directory, inside the  
package's own directory.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

- Richard

**** R session transcript

 > version
platform       x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
arch           x86_64
os             linux-gnu
system         x86_64, linux-gnu
major          2
minor          4.0
year           2006
month          10
day            03
svn rev        39566
language       R
version.string R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
 > installed.packages()[installed.packages()[,"Package"] %in% c 
("RSQLite","DBI"), c(1,3,10)]
         Package   Version  Built
DBI     "DBI"     "0.1-11" "2.4.0"
RSQLite "RSQLite" "0.4-9"  "2.4.0"
 > library( RSQLite )
Loading required package: DBI
 > drv <- SQLite()
 > con <- dbConnect( drv, "testing.db" )
 > table.name <- "testing"
 > data <- as.data.frame( matrix( rnorm( 225000 ), ncol = 225 ) )
 > dbWriteTable( con, "testing", data, row.names = F, overwrite = T )
[1] TRUE
 > get_data <- function( indices, con, table_name ) {
+   query <- paste(
+                  "select * from",
+                  table_name,
+                  "where _ROWID_ in (",
+                  paste( indices, collapse = "," ),
+                  ")"
+                  )
+   dbGetQuery( con, query )
+ }
 > get_data( 1:3, con, table.name )[,1:5]
           V1          V2         V3       V4         V5
1 -1.8803772  1.00073121 -0.3496548 1.027102 -0.7882639
2 -0.9140920 -0.02242254 -1.4682685 0.375063 -0.6137175
3  0.4243143 -0.15502231  1.6846590 1.210313 -0.4726484
 > # No error with just one interation
 > temp <- lapply( 1:50, function(i) get_data( 1:3, con, table.name ) )
 > # No error with 50 iterations
 > temp <- lapply( 1:2000, function(i) get_data( 1:3, con,  
table.name ) )
Error in sqliteResultInfo(dbObj, ...) : SET_STRING_ELT() can only be  
applied to a 'character vector', not a 'NULL'
 > # Rerunning now typically generates a segmentation fault
 > temp <- lapply( 1:2000, function(i) get_data( 1:3, con,  
table.name ) )

*** caught segfault ***
address 0x2, cause 'memory not mapped'

1: sqliteResultInfo(dbObj, ...)
2: dbGetInfo(res, "completed")
3: dbGetInfo(res, "completed")
4: .class1(object)
5: .class1(object)
6: is(object, Cl)
7: .valueClassTest(standardGeneric("dbHasCompleted"), "logical",  
8: dbHasCompleted(rs)
9: sqliteQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...)
10: dbGetQuery(con, query)
11: dbGetQuery(con, query)
12: get_data(1:3, con, table.name)
13: FUN(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, <truncated>, 1998, 1999,  
2000)[[152]], ...)
14: lapply(1:2000, function(i) get_data(1:3, con, table.name))

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace
Selection: 3

Process R exited abnormally with code 70 at Mon Nov  6 12:22:14 2006

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