[R-sig-DB] Help testing updates to RSQLite and RMySQL

Seth Falcon @|@|con @end|ng |rom |hcrc@org
Mon Sep 25 23:08:15 CEST 2006

Hi all,

Our group here in Seattle is now hosting the svn repository
for DBI and related packages and we are helping David James to
maintain these packages.

I have updates for DBI, RSQLite, and RMySQL and would like some help
testing them before pushing the updates to CRAN.

You can download the provisional source packages here:


A brief summary of changes follows:


 - Use the Collate field and individual R/*.R files instead of a
   single generated All.R file.  Should make user contributed patches
   easier to integrate.  Otherwise, should have no impact on package

RMySQL and RSQLite:

 - Make sure all textConnections get closed.  Fixes a bug reported by
   Dirk E.


 - Update Sqlite to 3.3.7

 - Default when installing from source is now to compile the included
   Sqlite and link to it statically.  This avoids version mismatch
   issues.  It is still possible to link against system-wide Sqlite
   using configure args.

Questions?  Comments?  Send 'em my way (well, the list's way).

+ seth

Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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