[R-sig-DB] function for updating variables in a MySQL database
Adrian Dusa
du@@@@dr|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Sep 11 11:44:51 CEST 2006
Dear all,
I recently started to use RMySQL and I noticed there are no functions for
updating variables (say, when one creates a new variable and decides later to
change the formula).
I hope I didn't reinvent the wheel, you can find my attempt below
(undocumented but I guess pretty straighforward):
"dbUpdateVar" <-
function(conn, dbtable, dataframe=NULL, primary, vars) {
if (is.null(dataframe)) {
stop("The source dataframe is missing, with no default\n\n", call. =
if (!dbExistsTable(conn, dbtable)) {
stop("The target table doesn't exist\n\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!(primary %in% names(dataframe))) {
stop("The primary key variable doesn't exist in the source
dataframe\n\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(vars %in% names(dataframe))) {
stop("One or more variables don't exist in the source dataframe\n\n",
call. = FALSE)
if (!(primary %in% dbListFields(con, dbtable))) {
stop("The primary key variable doesn't exist in the target table\n\n",
call. = FALSE)
if (!all(vars %in% dbListFields(con, dbtable))) {
stop("One or more variables don't exist in the target table\n\n",
call. = FALSE)
varlist <- paste(dbtable, "(", paste(c(primary, vars),
collapse=", "), ")", sep="")
dbstring <- paste("(", paste(apply(dataframe[, c(primary, vars)], 1,
paste, collapse=", "), collapse="), ("), ")", sep="")
toupdate <- paste(paste(vars, "=VALUES(", vars, ")", sep=""),
collapse=", ")
sqlstring <- paste("INSERT INTO", varlist, "VALUES", dbstring, "ON
dbSendQuery(conn, sqlstring)
## END
If there is a more direct way of doing this, I would very much like to learn
about it.
Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
1, Schitu Magureanu Bd
050025 Bucharest sector 5
Tel./Fax: +40 21 3126618 \
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