[R-sig-DB] RMySQL problem with dbWriteTable

kaustubh shinde @h|ndek@u@tubh @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Fri Jun 23 20:31:43 CEST 2006

I am working with R and MySQL using RMySQL package.
I am trying to write to a table in the database using 
 dbWriteTable(mycon1, "DoubleProperty", frame, append = T,row.names=F)
and I am getting error 
Error in mysqlWriteTable(conn, name, value, ...) :         unimplemented type 'character' in 'asLogical'
I had this error before and then I just wrote a separate function that took a dataframe as parameter and wrote it to DB using the above code.
The error did not make any sense to me then and it's not making any now. Using the same approach is not doing it for me now.
The connections are properly opened and closed and the dataframe is also good. 
Here is what I am trying to do
put<-function(frame){mycon1 <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user='***', dbname=db, host="******", password='******')dbWriteTable(mycon1, "DoubleProperty", frame, append = T,row.names=F)print("Data written")dbDisconnect(mycon1)}Any ideas on this would be really appreciated as I have absolutely no clue.
Thank you,
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