[R-sig-DB] RMySQL Error Messages, crashing R

Jason Horn jhorn @end|ng |rom bu@edu
Mon Feb 20 12:29:21 CET 2006

I am having trouble getting RMySQL working with R.  It did at one  
point, work with an older 1.x version of R, but now with R2.2.1, I am  
getting the following messages on my OS X 10.4.5 system:

RS-DBI driver warning: (MySQL mismatch between compiled version  
4.0.24 and runtime version 4.1.14)

if I then try to run any further db commands such as dbConnect, R  
crashes with a bus error.  When I started getting this error, I was  
using MySQL 5.  I have since removed that installation and instead  
installed the older 4.0.24.  I still get the error message.  I have  
also tried other versions of MySQL, but the error persists.  I have  
also tried installing RMySQL from sources, but it makes no difference.

Does anyone know what this error message means.  Are there any OS X  
users that have with R 2.x working with RMySQL?

Please help!

- Jason

Jason Horn
Boston University Department of Biology
5 Cumington Street  Boston, MA 02215

jhorn using bu.edu
office: 617 353 6987
cell: 401 588 2766

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