[R-sig-DB] ROracle didn't work properly in such setting

Jing Zhou u@@zhouj|ng @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Fri Mar 11 22:34:53 CET 2005

I have encountered *many* problems when using ROracle functions, including
the same problem with the one listed below (but I had such problem when
using dbExistsTable() instead of dbListTables).

My settings:
ROracle      "0.5-5"
DBI            "0.1-8"
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
JServer Release - Production

I am wondering whether or not ROracle *can* work in such settings.



I just installed ROracle under R1.8.1 alpha. There is a funny error in
dbListTables(). When you run dbListTables just after establishing a
connection it fails at oraQuickSQL(conn, "select table_name from
all_tables")[, 1], see below. However if you execute oraQuickSQL(conn,
"select table_name from all_tables")[, 1] from the prompt it will work
fine and, moreover, the dbListTables() will work fine after that too.
> library("DBI"); library("ROracle")
> con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracle"), user="...")
> dbListTables(con)
Error in oraQuickSQL(conn, "select table_name from all_tables")[, 1] : 
 incorrect number of dimensions
> oraQuickSQL(conn, "select table_name from all_tables")[, 1]
Error in .class1(object) : Object "conn" not found
> oraQuickSQL(con, "select table_name from all_tables")[, 1]
*** works fine:output flushed ***
> dbListTables(con)
*** works fine:output flushed ***
Any clue?

> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i686             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i686, linux-gnu  
status   alpha            
major    1                
minor    8.1              
year     2003             
month    11               
day      05               
language R

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