[R-pkgs] pathfindR: An R Package for Pathway Enrichment Analysis Utilizing Active Subnetworks

Ege Ulgen egeulgen at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 12:37:01 CET 2018

Hello all,

I would like to introduce our group's new bioinformatics package to you: pathfindR <https://cran.r-project.org/package=pathfindR>
This tool is designed to improve pathway enrichment analysis by firstly identifying active subnetworksin differential expression/methylation data using a protein-protein interaction network. It then performs pathway enrichment analysis (Over-Representation Analysis). By utilizing the interaction information, the tool identifies most of the involved pathways.
pathfindR also creates pathway diagrams with the involved genes colored by change values. (this is achieved using the bioconductor package pathview)
Finally, the package allows for clustering of enriched pathways and establishment of representative pathways. This allows for further abstraction and reduces the complexity of analysis.
You can read more about the package and a case study in our pre-print <https://doi.org/10.1101/272450>
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