[R-pkgs] SympluR - Analyze Healthcare Social Media Data from the Symplur API

Audun Utengen audun at symplur.com
Fri Feb 23 00:21:03 CET 2018

Hi all, 

Just launched a new R package - SympluR! 

It allows you to analyze data from the Healthcare Social Graph via access to the Symplur API.

- The Healthcare Social Graph contains billions of healthcare social media data points. Hundreds of published journal articles have leveraged data from the Healthcare Social Graph. More about Symplur research: https://www.symplur.com/healthcare-social-media-research <https://www.symplur.com/healthcare-social-media-research>
- Credit to Professor Larry Chu, MD at Stanford University School of Medicine for the idea of the 'SympluR' package.

CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/package=SympluR <https://cran.r-project.org/package=SympluR>
GitHub: https://github.com/symplur/SympluR <https://github.com/symplur/SympluR>


Audun Utengen

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