[R-pkgs] New version of rms package on CRAN

Frank Harrell f.harrell at Vanderbilt.Edu
Thu Feb 17 21:53:18 CET 2011

A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux/UNIX.  I expect  
Mac and Windows versions to be available in a day or so. This version  
works with and requires the newest version of Therneau's survival package.

More information is at http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/Rrms

Changes in version 3.2-0 (2011-02-14)
    * Changed to be compatible with survival 2.36-3 which is now required
    * Added logLik.rms and AIC.rms functions to be compatible with standard  
    * Fixed oos.loglik.Glm
    * Fixed bootcov related to nfit='Glm'
    * Fixed (probably) old bug in latexrms with strat predictors

Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman      School of Medicine
                    Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University

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