[R-pkgs] New package versions for distr- and robast- families

Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Wed Jan 26 12:55:07 CET 2011


New versions 2.3 of our distr-family of packages are now
available on CRAN.

(i.e.; startupmsg, SweaveListingUtils,
       distr, distrEx, distrDoc, distrEllipse,
       distrMod, distrSim, distrTEst, distrTeach)

Most importantly, we have included:

+ a quasi-MC trick by Nataliya Horbenko to better produce
  image distributions under complicated, not necessarily
  monotone transformations
+ enhanced function qqplot
+ (enhanced) support for GEV distribution
+ new functional kMad
+ as well as several bug fixes

For more details see the corresponding NEWS files
(e.g. news(package = "distr")
or using function NEWS from package startupmsg
i.e. NEWS("distr")).

We are looking forward to getting your RFEs, bug reports 
or simple feedback,


Peter, Matthias, Nataliya


New versions 0.8 of our RobASt-family of packages are now
available on CRAN.

(i.e.; RandVar, RobAStBase, ROptEst,
       RobLox, ROptEstOld, ROptEstTS, RobRex,

Most importantly, we have included:

+ a quasi-MC trick by Nataliya Horbenko to better produce
  random variables under complicated not necessarily
  monotone transformations

+ enhanced functions
   infoPlot, (plots relative information used for coordinates
              of a parameter estimator)
   ddPlot, (distance-distance plot)
   cniperPointPlot, (cniper concept for seemingly harmless
            contamination behavior)
   qqplot (now gets outlier corrected versions)

+ new risks: asAnscombe, asL1, asL4
  for asymptotic L1 L4 risk, and optimal bias robust estimator,
   to given efficiency loss in ideal model

+ new helper methods makeIC
  to apply to functions or list of functions
  for easily producing (suboptimal) ICs

+ new function getReq for two ICs IC1 and IC2
  to compute a radius interval where IC1 is better
  than IC2 acc. to G-Risk

+ new function getMaxIneff() to compute,
  for any IC of class 'IC', the maximal inefficiency
  for radius r varying in [0,Inf)

+ as well as several bug fixes

For more details see the corresponding NEWS files
(e.g. news(package = "RobAStBase")
or using function NEWS from package startupmsg
i.e. NEWS("RobAStBase")).

We are looking forward to getting your RFEs, bug reports 
or simple feedback,


Peter, Matthias, Nataliya


Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel, Abteilung Finanzmathematik, F3.17
Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Telefon:  +49 631/31600-4699
Fax    :  +49 631/31600-5699
E-Mail :  peter.ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de

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