[R-pkgs] surv2sample 0.1-2

David Kraus david.kraus at matfyz.cz
Thu Feb 28 19:02:16 CET 2008

Dear useRs,

There is a new version 0.1-2 of the package surv2sample available on CRAN.  
Users of the previous versions should update because a bug in the function  
cif2.ks has been fixed.

General information about the package:

surv2sample provides various two-sample tests for right-censored survival  
data. Three main areas and corresponding methods are:

* comparison of two survival distributions
   - surv2.logrank: weighted logrank tests and their combinations (max, sum)
   - surv2.neyman: Neyman's smooth test and its data-driven version
   - surv2.ks: Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramér–von Mises and Anderson–Darling  

* comparison of two cumulative incidence functions for competing risks data
   - cif: estimation and plotting of cumulative incidence functions
   - cif2.logrank: logrank-type test for subdistribution hazards
   - cif2.neyman: Neyman's smooth test and its data-driven version
   - cif2.ks: Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
   - cif2.int: integrated-difference test

* goodness of fit tests of the proportional rate assumption (proportional  
hazards or proportional odds functions in two samples)
   - proprate2: estimation based on the simplified partial likelihood
   - proprate2.ks: Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
   - proprate2.neyman: Neyman's smooth test and its data-driven version
   - proprate2.gs: Gill–Schumacher type test

See http://www.davidkraus.net/surv2sample/ for details and references.

Best regards,

David Kraus

Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4
CZ-18208 Prague 8

david.kraus at matfyz.cz

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