[R-pkgs] package simecol uploaded to CRAN

Thomas Petzoldt Thomas.Petzoldt at TU-Dresden.de
Wed Jul 5 17:44:35 CEST 2006

Dear useRs,

a new and completely re-worked version of the "simecol" package

   SIMulatiion of ECOLogical (and other) dynamic systems

is now available on CRAN. Compared to the S3 based 0.2-x versions an
improved object model using S4 classes was employed. Please ask me for
assistance in case of incompatibility.

Comments are welcome, Thomas Petzoldt



The simecol package is intended to give users (scientists and students)
and interactive environment to implement, distribute, simulate and
document ecological and other dynamic models without the need to write
long simulation programs. An object oriented approach based on the S4
class system is proposed, which should provide a consistent but still
flexible and extensible way to implement dynamic models.

Models of different type are provided as data and in source code (see
directory "examples") which are intended as a starting point to write
and distribute your own simObj models.

The package is supplemented with several utility functions (e.g.
seedfill or neighbours), which can be used independently from simObj

More Info:

? simecol-package: general description of the package
? parms: functions to get or set model parameters etc.


file.show(system.file("examples/lv.R", package = "simecol"))
file.show(system.file("examples/conway.R", package = "simecol"))
file.show(system.file("examples/upca.R", package = "simecol"))

http://www.simecol.de with examples, useR-2006 slides and poster.

Dr. Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie        thomas.petzoldt at tu-dresden.de
01062 Dresden                      http://tu-dresden.de/hydrobiologie/

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