[R-pkgs] vcd package 0.9-5 released

David Meyer david.meyer at wu-wien.ac.at
Thu Oct 20 09:29:45 CEST 2005

Dear useRs,

a new version of the vcd package (0.9-5) is now available from CRAN.

Apart from (a lot of) bug fixes, it includes the following new features
(some of them have 'silently' been included in previous bug fix

* Improved documentation:

  - an introductory vignette on the strucplot framework (including
    mosaic, association and sieve plots)
  - special vignettes on using/extending shading and labeling functions

* New function spine() for spinograms and spine plots

* New function cd_plot() for conditional density plots 

* New function cotabplot() for visualizing conditional independence in a
  trellis-like layout, providing panel functions for association,
  mosaic, and sieve plots

* Sieve plots are now integrated in the strucplot framework, sieve()
  replaces sieveplot()

* Extended support for 'structable' objects (textual representation of
  mosaic plots):

  - structable objects can be used as input for mosaic(), sieve(), and
  - extract ("[") and replacement ("[<-") functions are available (old
    "[[" method removed)
  - methods for t(), dim(), as.matrix(), as.vector(), as.table(), etc.
    are available

* New panel function pairs_diagonal_text() for pairs()

* The alternative legend function legend_fixed() now looks more similar
  to the legend of mosaicplot() in base R

Comments are more then welcome!

David, Achim, Kurt.

PS: If you like modern art, try out demo(mondrian)! :)

Dr. David Meyer
Department of Information Systems and Operations

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Wien, Austria, Europe
Fax: +43-1-313 36x746 
Tel: +43-1-313 36x4393
HP:  http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at/~meyer/

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