[R-pkgs] R maps, mapdata and mapproj for Windows

Ray Brownrigg ray at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Sat Nov 1 10:47:10 CET 2003

Nearly a month ago I announced the availability of a Windows port of
the maps for S package but for various reasons the Windows binaries
did not appear on CRAN until yesterday.  Now I am pleased to announce
that the three packages maps_2.0-8 (the base maps package with
low-resolution databases), mapdata_2.0-6 (high-resolution and other
databases) and mapproj_1.1 (projection add-on for maps, maintained by
Tom Minka) are all now available on CRAN both in source and Windows
binary forms.

I apologise for the delays.
Ray Brownrigg

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