\name{monoCyteSim} \alias{monoCyteSim} \alias{bivarSim} \alias{ccSim} \docType{data} \title{ Simulated monocyte counts and psychosis symptoms. } \usage{ bivarSim ccSim } \description{ Discretised values of monocyte counts, and ratings of level of psychosis simulated from a model fitted to a data set consisting of observations made on a number of patients from the Northland District Health Board system. The real data must be kept confidential due to ethics constraints. } \section{Note}{ These data are \bold{not} immediately available in the \code{eglhmm} package. Their presence would cause the size of the \code{data} directory to exceed 4.5 Mb., which is unacceptably large. Consequently these data sets have been placed in a separate \dQuote{data only} package called \code{monoCyteSim}, which is available from \code{github}. This package may be obtained by executing the command: \preformatted{ install.packages("monoCyteSim",repos="https://rolfturner.r-universe.dev") } After having installed the \code{monoCyteSim} package, you may load it via \code{library(monoCyteSim)} and then access the data sets in the usual way, e.g. \code{X <- ccSim}. Alternatively (after having installed the \code{monoCyteSim} package) you may use the \code{::} syntax to access a single data set, e.g. \code{X <- monoCyteSim::ccSim}. You can access the documentation via, e.g., \code{?monoCyteSim::ccSim}. } \keyword{datasets}