[R-pkg-devel] Is it possible to install a pre-compiled R package from Github?

John Clarke john@c|@rke @end|ng |rom corner@tonenw@com
Tue Jan 28 14:25:23 CET 2025

Hi all,

I'm wondering if there is a way to point an R package installer to a
pre-compiled release on Github rather than rely on CRAN. I will likely use
CRAN, but I'm curious if installing via pre-compiled versions is limited to
CRAN or whether there is another way. This is related to a Rcpp project I'm
working on (so compiling C++), but I think the question is general enough
that it can be asked on this list.

Thank you,


John Clarke | Senior Technical Advisor |
Cornerstone Systems Northwest | john.clarke using cornerstonenw.com

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