[R-pkg-devel] Deprecating apparent S3 method, changing name

Murray Efford murr@y@e||ord @end|ng |rom ot@go@@c@nz
Wed Sep 25 07:13:31 CEST 2024

A package of mine on CRAN has some old function names (not S3 methods) that include "." (e.g., "esa.plot"). In a new version I want to simultaneously
1. rename these functions to e.g. "esaPlot"
2. export a new S3 generic with the base name (e.g. "esa") and methods for different model types (e.g. "esa.secr").

When I deprecate the old functions (by exporting a shell function that calls .Deprecated and the new function), I get a package check note for e.g. esa.plot
"* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
Apparent methods for exported generics not registered: etc."

This is understandable, but how can I avoid it while properly deprecating the old functions? I seem to remember a recent question like this, but I'm sorry I cannot find it.


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