[R-pkg-devel] help with CRAN failures (broom.mixed, rstan-related)
Ben Bolker
bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Sep 24 16:27:34 CEST 2024
broom.mixed is failing tests on Fedora.
With apologies for the mangled formatting, here is the test failure
(full properly formatted details at
══ Failed tests
════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ──
Error ('test-alltibbles.R:57:21'): (code run outside of `test_that()`)
────── Error in `.requirePackage(package)`: unable to find required
package 'rstan' Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─broom.mixed (local)
testf("glance", z) at test-alltibbles.R:62:13 2.
├─testthat::expect_is(get(fn_str)(obj), "tbl_df") at
test-alltibbles.R:57:21 3. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object),
label, arg = "object") 4. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr,
quo_get_env(quo)) 5. ├─get(fn_str)(obj) 6.
└─broom.mixed:::glance.brmsfit(obj) 7.
└─broom.mixed:::glance_stan(...) 8. ├─stats::sigma(x) 9.
└─broom.mixed:::sigma.brmsfit(x) 10. ├─"sigma" %in%
brms::variables(object) 11. ├─brms::variables(object) 12.
└─brms:::variables.brmsfit(object) 13. └─methods (local)
dimnames(x$fit) 14. └─methods (local) `<fn>`(`<list>`, `<stndrdGn>`,
`<env>`) 15. └─methods:::.findInheritedMethods(classes, fdef, mtable)
16. └─methods::getClass(cl1, where = where, .Force = TRUE) 17.
└─methods::getClassDef(Class, where) 18.
└─methods:::.requirePackage(package) [ FAIL 1 | WARN 4 | SKIP 1 |
PASS 237 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted
This is in a test section where I loop over fitted examples from
different modeling packages. *If* the relevant package is installed, I
test the various methods defined in broom.mixed for extracting
information from that kind of object.
This appears to be failing when testing objects from 'brms', because
'rstan' isn't available. However, I don't see how brms can be available
when rstan isn't, since brms Imports: rstan?
Weirdly, I can't get this to fail on my local system even if I remove
rstan -- maybe rstan needs to be present for brms at install time but
not at runtime ... ???
Any hints/insights/guesses/suggestions for further diagnostics are
Dr. Benjamin Bolker
Professor, Mathematics & Statistics and Biology, McMaster University
Director, School of Computational Science and Engineering
* E-mail is sent at my convenience; I don't expect replies outside of
working hours.
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