[R-pkg-devel] flang-new-18 complains: incompatiple object shapes

Göran Broström gb @end|ng |rom eh@r@@e
Fri Sep 20 13:44:44 CEST 2024

More specifically: I submitted a new version of eha to CRAN, but:
"... does not pass the incoming checks automatically,..."

I found warnings in

/getsums.f:65:16: warning: Reference to the procedure 'daxpy' has an 
implicit interface that is distinct from another reference: incompatible 
dummy argument #5: incompatible dummy data object shapes
                  call daxpy(j2, tmp2, zma, 1, szz(index), 1)
./getsums.f:51:10: previous reference to 'daxpy'
            call daxpy(k, epy, zma, 1, sz, 1)
The arguments 'szz(index)' and 'sz' are compared and found to be 
'incompatible'. szz and sz are both double vectors, szz is the upper 
triangle of a symmetric covariance matrix, stored as a vector of length 
n * (n + 1) / 2 (space saving, this is F77 code written some 40 years ago).

This is the point of view of a compiler called 'flang-new-18' (Debian). 
However, gfortran and myself disagree, and I am interested in hearing a 
suggestion of what measures I should take.

It is of course easy (but tedious) to cut the Gordian knot by explicitly 
writing out the loops that defines 'daxpy', but is it necessary?

Thanks, Göran

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