[R-pkg-devel] unregistered S3 methods in a package

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Thu Sep 5 09:44:52 CEST 2024

>>>>> Uwe Ligges 
>>>>>     on Thu, 5 Sep 2024 08:47:06 +0200 writes:

    > Dear John,
    > the question is not really easy to answer, but there is a nice summary 
    > Kurt pointed me to: The code of checkS3methods() includes the following 
    > comments with the last paragraph containing the short answer to your 
    > question:

    > ## Check S3 generics and methods consistency.

    > ## Unfortunately, what is an S3 method is not clear.
    > ## These days, S3 methods for a generic GEN are found
    > ## A. via GEN.CLS lookup from the callenv to its topenv;
    > ## B. the S3 registry;
    > ## C. GEN.CLS lookup from the parent of the topenv to baseenv,
    > ##    skipping everything on the search path between globalenv and
    > ##    baseenv.
    > ## Thus if "package code" calls GEN, we first look in the package
    > ## namespace itself, then in the registry, and then in the package
    > ## imports and .BaseNamespaceEnv (and globalenv and baseenv again).
    > ##
    > ## Clearly, everything registered via S3method() should be an S3
    > ## method.  Interestingly, we seem to have some registrations for
    > ## non-generics, such as grDevices::axis().  These are "harmless"
    > ## but likely not "as intended", and hence inconsistencies are not
    > ## ignored.
    > ##
    > ## If the package namespace has a function named GEN.CLS, it is used
    > ## as an S3 method for an S3 generic named GEN (and hence "is an S3
    > ## method") only if the package code actually calls GEN (see A
    > ## above).  So one could argue that we should not be looking at all
    > ## GEN.CLS matches with GEN a generic in the package itself, its
    > ## imports or base, but restrict to only the ones where the package
    > ## code calls GEN.  Doable, but not straightforward (calls could be
    > ## PKG::GEN) and possibly quite time consuming.  For generics from
    > ## the package itself or its imports, not restricting should not
    > ## make a difference (why define or import when not calling?), but
    > ## for generics from base it may: hence we filter out the mismatches
    > ## for base GEN not called in the package.
    > ##
    > ## If a package provides an S3 generic GEN, there is no need to
    > ## register GEN.CLS functions for "internal use" (see above).
    > ## However, if GEN is exported then likely all GEN.CLS functions
    > ## should be registered as S3 methods.

    > Best wishes,
    > Uwe

Excellent!  Thank you, Uwe, for digging this out.

I'd also had answered to John Fox (even more strongly)
that it *must* remain to be allowed to define "private"
S3 methods in a package in all cases:
- for a generic from the package (where the generic would also
  not be exported)
- for a generic from another package (which is imported)
  or base (which need not and cannot be imported).

Note that the same is possible with S4 and (AFAIK, untested)
with S7.  {which people should really try using more ... }


    > On 05.09.2024 00:10, John Fox wrote:
    >> Thanks Toby and Jeff for chiming in on this.
    >> Jeff: I already read Kurt Hornik's post on "S3 Method Lookup" and quite 
    >> a few other sources.
    >> The main point is that failing to register the methods works in that the 
    >> methods are nevertheless invoked internally by functions in the package 
    >> but don't shadow versions of the methods registered by other package 
    >> externally (e.g., at the command prompt), which was the effect that I 
    >> wanted. Moreover, as I said, R CMD check (unlike roxygen) didn't complain.
    >> As I mentioned, this is now moot for the cv package, but I'm still 
    >> interested in the answer, as, apparently, is Toby.
    >> Best,
    >>  John
    >> On 2024-09-04 5:12 p.m., Jeff Newmiller wrote:
    >>> Caution: External email.
    >>> I have been reluctant to pipe up on this because I am no expert on the 
    >>> dark corners of the S3 dispatch mechanism, but I think unregistered S3 
    >>> methods in packages are verboten. Perhaps [1] will shed some light?
    >>> [1] https://blog.r-project.org/2019/08/19/s3-method-lookup/
    >>> On September 4, 2024 11:21:22 AM PDT, Toby Hocking <tdhock5 using gmail.com> 
    >>> wrote:
    >>>> I got this warning too, so I filed an issue to ask
    >>>> https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/issues/1654
    >>>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2024 at 2:58 PM John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca> wrote:
    >>>>> As it turned out, I was able to avoid redefining coef.merMod(), 
    >>>>> etc., by
    >>>>> making a simple modification to the cv package.
    >>>>> I'm still curious about whether it's OK to have unregistered S3 methods
    >>>>> for internal use in a package even though that's no longer necessary 
    >>>>> for
    >>>>> the cv package.
    >>>>> On 2024-09-02 11:34 a.m., John Fox wrote:
>>>>> Caution: External email.
>>>>> Dear R-package-devel list members,
>>>>> I want to introduce several unregistered S3 methods into the cv 
>>>>> package
>>>>> (code at <https://github.com/gmonette/cv>). These methods have the 
>>>>> form
>>>>>          coef.merMod <- function(object, ...) lme4::fixef(object)
>>>>> The object is to mask, e.g., lme4:::coef.merMod(), which returns BLUPs
>>>>> rather than fixed effects, internally in the cv package but *not* to
>>>>> mask the lme4 version of the method for users of the cv package -- 
>>>>> that
>>>>> could wreak havoc with their work. Doing this substantially simplifies
>>>>> some of the code in the cv package.
>>>>> My question: Is it legitimate to define a method in a package for
>>>>> internal use without registering it?
>>>>> This approach appears to work fine, and R CMD check doesn't complain,
>>>>> although Roxygen does complain that the method isn't "exported"
>>>>> (actually, isn't registered).
>>>>> Any advice or relevant information would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>    John
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> John Fox, Professor Emeritus
>>>>> McMaster University
>>>>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>>>>> web: https://www.john-fox.ca/

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