[R-pkg-devel] Inherited methods
Kevin R. Coombes
kev|n@r@coombe@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Aug 16 19:25:36 CEST 2024
I seem to have gotten myself confused about inheritance of S4 classes
and the dispatch of inherited methods.
The core situation is that
* The graphics package already defines the function "hist"
* My package A creates an S4 generic "hist", using the existing
function as the default method.
* Package A also defines a class B with its own implementation of the
method "hist". It exports both the generic method and the class B
specific method.
* Now I create a new package C. In that package, I define a new class
D that inherits from class B. The implementation of "hist" for class
B should do everything I want for class D, so I don't want to have
to re-implement it.
My question: what do I have to do to enable users of package D to call
"hist(B)" and have it work without complaint? After many go-rounds of
changing the code, changing the NAMESPACE, and running "R CMD check"
approximately an infinite number of times, I now have
importMethodFrom("A", "hist")
setClass("D", slots = c(some_extra_stuff), contains = "B")
setMethod("hist", "D", function(x, ...) {
callNextMethod(x, ...)
Do I really need all that? Why do I even need *any* of it? Shouldn't I
be able to leave out the implementation that just says "callNextMethod"
and have the standard dispatch figure out what to call? Why does it want
to call the default function if it knows there is a B-method? (And it
must know it, since callNextMethod knows it.)
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