[R-pkg-devel] Windows binary package not at mirrors

Helmut Schütz he|mut@@chuetz @end|ng |rom beb@c@@t
Sun Jun 23 13:47:04 CEST 2024

Duncan Murdoch wrote on 2024-06-23 13:04:
> […] One exception is the one run by Posit: because it is cloud based, 
> I think they spend quite a lot of money on it. […] it means that it is 
> very reliable, and it's the one I use almost all the time.

I agree. It is also helpful for developers of packages because they can 
use badges based on METACRAN’s data (which itself evaluates the Posit 
mirror) to get an idea about the number of downloads (total and of the 
current version per month).

Example: https://github.com/Detlew/PowerTOST/blob/master/README.md

Helmut Schütz

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