[R-pkg-devel] Vignette with error=TRUE chunks fails CRAN checks on r-oldrel-macos

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jun 14 17:20:15 CEST 2024

   I feel like I've seen this go by on a forum or issues list somewhere 
recently, but can't find it again.

   Whatever CRAN is doing, I think that adding purl=FALSE along with 
error=TRUE might help.

On 2024-06-14 1:58 a.m., Roland Fuß wrote:
> Hi,
> We are seeing this with our ALFAM2 package: 
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_ALFAM2.html
> We have many code chunks with knitr option `error=TRUE`. My 
> understanding is that CRAN machines should have set 
> `_R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_SKIP_RUN_MAYBE_=true` and not check the tangled code 
> but I see:
> "When sourcing ‘ALFAM2-start.R’:
> Error: Missing value(s) in predictor variable(s)
>     See above for variables.
>     Check these rows: 3
> Execution halted"
> Before I dive deeper into this and we maybe switch to `eval=FALSE`, is 
> my understanding wrong? Or is the setup on the oldrel-macos machines 
> different?
> Thanks in advance,
> Roland

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