[R-pkg-devel] Resubmitting an archived package

Hervé Perdry herve@perdry @end|ng |rom protonm@||@com
Tue Jun 11 12:27:55 CEST 2024


I 'm new here! I'm the maintainer of a handful of packages and should have subscribed long ago.

Here's my problem. I didn't have time to deal with a compilation issue of my package milorGWAS a few months ago, and it has been archived.
I've now corrected the issue and I want to resubmit it. The following NOTE at check --as-cran interrupts the process. Can you please tell me how to deal with this situation?
Thanks in advance.
Yours, HP

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [15s] NOTE
Maintainer: 'Hervé Perdry <herve.perdry using u-psud.fr>'

New submission

Package was archived on CRAN

Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION:
  GWAS (4:10, 10:102)
  Milet (10:109)
  al (10:118)
  et (10:115)

CRAN repository db overrides:
  X-CRAN-Comment: Archived on 2024-01-11 as issues were not corrected
    in time.
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