[R-pkg-devel] debugging R CMD build

Vincent Carey @tvjc @end|ng |rom ch@nn|ng@h@rv@rd@edu
Fri Jun 7 14:40:48 CEST 2024


shows an error arising in R CMD build that cannot be reproduced
in manual attempts with the vignette code that is triggering the
error.  "It works fine except in CMD build" (on linux).

I have tried debugging tools::buildVignettes by setting a debug
call in .Rprofile but it won't step through during R CMD build.  I want
to find out how CMD build manipulates environment to inhibit
resolution of symbols that can be resolved during ordinary interactive

I haven't dug hard into the buildVignettes function.  Before doing so,
I wanted to know if anyone has a way of stepping through in a CMD
build task.

The information in this email is intended only for the p...{{dropped:12}}

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