[R-pkg-devel] Check errors for RMarkdown vignettes with error chunks

C.H. ch@|n@@wt|ney @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jun 7 09:10:03 CEST 2024

Dear all,

RMarkdown vignettes are sometimes used to demonstrate errors and one
can write vignettes with `error` chunks.

```{r, error = TRUE}

This was not an issue for a long time. But I've experienced sometimes
in the past that packages with these vignettes going through `R CMD
check` gave ERRORS due to these `error` chunks. But recently, I do not
experience the same ERRORS with R 4.4.0.

MacPorts maintainer Sergey Fedorov also reported these ERRORs to the
developers of rio (i.e. I) and tibbles with his darwin-powerpc setup
with the current release, R 4.4.0, on Mac OS X 10.6.



One can easily attribute this to his a-little-bit-archaic setup. But
now CRAN also reports the same ERRORS for mac and linux `oldrel`


I was wondering if you have any experience with these errors. A
relevant point in the release notes of 4.4.0 is perhaps this:

> tools::testInstalledPackage() is no longer silent about failures from running examples or tests and its return code no longer ignores failures from checking vignettes.

Chung-hong Chan

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