[R-pkg-devel] Help with detritus on temporary directory note

Thierry Onkelinx th|erry@onke||nx @end|ng |rom |nbo@be
Thu May 30 13:12:10 CEST 2024

Dear Hector,

The tmp dir depends on the R session. Use tools::R_user_dir("your_package",
which = "cache") if you want a permanent cache of the files.

Best regards,

ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Statisticus / Statistician

Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders
Team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / Team Biometrics & Quality Assurance
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Op do 30 mei 2024 om 12:26 schreef Héctor Meleiro Suárez <
hmeleiros using gmail.com>:

> Hello everybody. I'm having a problem submitting a package to CRAN. It
> involves a NOTE about  detritus files on the temporary directory.
> The thing is my package basically downloads a zip file to the temporary
> directory, unzips, reads and processes some of the extracted files and
> imports the data to the R environment. So after the examples and tests are
> run the temporary directory is full of those files. So I implemented an
> internal cleanup function that removes the download zip file and the
> directory to which the files are extracted and, of course, the NOTE
> disappears. But I really don't like this approach because I want the
> function to keep the files in the temporary directory so that if a file has
> been already downloaded it would not download the file again and just read
> the data.
> I thought that R cleaned up the temporary directory when the session ended.
> So why is this a problem? Is it that there are too many files aftes
> examples and tests are run? or would this NOTE be an issue to CRAN even if
> only one file was detected at the end?
> Thanks in advance.
> This is the NOTE on the logs:
> * checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE
> Found the following files/directories:
>   ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_MESA’ ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_MESA.zip’
>   ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_MUNI’ ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_TOTA’ ‘RtmpRfd2nv\02202307_TOTA.zip’
>   ‘RtmpRfd2nv\03202307_MUNI’ ‘RtmpRfd2nv\03202307_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\02198210_MUNI’ ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\02198210_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\02201904_MESA’ ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\02201904_MESA.zip’
>   ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\03201911_MUNI’ ‘RtmpUEZkAQ\03201911_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpVtjuwE\02198210_TOTA’ ‘RtmpVtjuwE\02198210_TOTA.zip’
>   ‘RtmpVtjuwE\02201911_MUNI’ ‘RtmpVtjuwE\02201911_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpVtjuwE\03200403_MUNI’ ‘RtmpVtjuwE\03200403_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘RtmpcFaNBb\02201512_MUNI’ ‘RtmpcFaNBb\02201512_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02198210_TOTA’ ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02198210_TOTA.zip’
>   ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02201911_MUNI’ ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02201911_MUNI.zip’
>   ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02202307_MESA’ ‘Rtmpe86bkd\02202307_MESA.zip’
>   ‘Rtmpe86bkd\03200403_MUNI’ ‘Rtmpe86bkd\03200403_MUNI.zip’
> * DONE
> Status: 1 NOTE
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