[R-pkg-devel] different build tools

Boylan, Ross Ro@@@Boy|@n @end|ng |rom uc@|@edu
Wed May 29 01:21:35 CEST 2024

[Sorry: Outlook doesn't quote messages the "normal" way]

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using R-project.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 4:10 PM


R CMD build is the only offical way to build a (source) package in R.

All other "tools" are just convenience wrappers [....]

Please note that CRAN has nothing to do with any of the above - a package submitted to CRAN is the resulting package source tar ball which the author created by calling R CMD build - CRAN is not involved in the source package creation, it only requires it to be created with R CMD build for submission. Whether you desire some pre-processing, before you call R CMD build yourself, it's up to you.


Is it required that the package submitted to CRAN have been built with R CMD build rather than some other tool?  When you say "CRAN has nothing to do with any of the above [different tools]" it sounds as if one can use anything; but "a package submitted to CRAN is ... created by calling R CMD build"  sounds as if  that's mandatory.


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