[R-pkg-devel] Interpretation of rhub check failures
Leonardo Cefalo
|eon@rdo@ce|@|o @end|ng |rom un|b@@|t
Wed May 15 19:52:16 CEST 2024
Dear all,
I should submit a new version of the package SchoolDataIT
<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SchoolDataIT/index.html> and
before doing so I need to check it on multiple flavors.
So I have started trying some checks with rhub.
I have loaded the new version of the package on github
It basically fails all checks, even if changes with respect to the
previous version (the one on CRAN) are minor and should have no impact
on the *most likely* causes of error, nor do devtools::check() or
devtools::check_win_devel() return any error (but I cannot rely solely
on these two checks since I have already experienced how unpredictably
they behave on different flavors).
What I am wondering about, however, is how to interpret error outputs
like this
ubuntu-clang) or
atlas). I guess something wrong happens in the functions with
Could somebody please point me a way to interpret these failures, or
way to run checks with operating systems different than mine that does
not involve the passage on github?
Thank you very much in advance
Best regards
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