[R-pkg-devel] clang-UBSAN

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Mon May 13 09:03:21 CEST 2024

В Sun, 12 May 2024 14:43:18 -0400
Kaifeng Lu <kaifenglu using gmail.com> пишет:

> /data/gannet/ripley/R/test-clang/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/caster.h:30:25:
> runtime error: nan is outside the range of representable values of
> type 'int'

On line 4618 of src/misc.cpp of the lrstat package, you have a
suspicious default parameter value:

>> const int n = NA_REAL

NA_REAL is a special kind of NaN, and C++ signed integers cannot
represent NaNs. You probably meant NA_INTEGER.

I think that Rcpp::traits::input_parameter<const int> takes care of
asking R to cast NA_REAL to NA_INTEGER, so this shouldn't directly
cause problems, but without a link to the code and the full error
report we have to resort to forbidden OSINT techniques [1], which don't
always work reliably and may attract the wrong kind of attention on the
darknet [2].

> Is there any way to reproduce the error before submitting the package
> to CRAN?


If you use containers, try the rocker/r-devel-ubsan-clang [3] image
that should already contain a "sanitized" build of R produced with the
clang compiler.

If that doesn't help, start with a Fedoda 36 installation and follow
the description [4] to install clang and compile R from source with
sanitizers enabled. This procedure is described in more detail in WRE
4.3.4 [5].

If you start having problems using the Docker/podman image or compiling
R from source, don't hesitate to ask further questions.

Best regards,

Such as searching your name on CRAN and GitHub.

Such as Google suggesting AI-powered results.




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