[R-pkg-devel] Overcoming CRAN's 5mb vendoring requirement

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Wed May 8 21:32:00 CEST 2024

В Wed, 8 May 2024 14:08:36 -0400
Josiah Parry <josiah.parry using gmail.com> пишет:

> With ChatGPT's ability to write autoconf, I *think *I have something
> that can work.

You don't have to write autoconf if your configure.ac is mostly a plain
shell script. You can write the configure script itself. Set the PATH
and then exec "${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript" tools/configure.R (in the
regular, non-multiarch configure for Unix-like systems) or exec
"${R_HOME}/bin${R_ARCH_BIN}/Rscript.exe" tools/configure.R (in
configure.win, which you'll also need). You've already wrote the rest
of the code in a language you know well: R.

Autoconf would be useful if you had system-specific dependencies with
the need to perform lots of compile tests. Those would have been a pain
to set up in R. Here you mostly need sys.which() instead of
AC_CHECK_PROGS and command -v.

> The configure file runs tools/get-deps.R which will download the
> dependencies from the repo if available and verify the checksums.

One of the pain points is the need for a strong, cryptographically
secure hash. MD5 is, unfortunately, no longer such a hash. In a cmake
build, you would be able to use cmake's built in strong hashes (such as
SHA-2 or SHA-3). The CRAN policy doesn't explicitly forbid MD5; it only
requires a "checksum". If you figure out a way to use a strong hash
from tools/configure.R for the downloaded tarball, please let us know.

> If the checksums don't match, an error is thrown, otherwise it can
> continue. I believe this meets the requirements of CRAN?

The other important CRAN requirement is to store the vendor tarball
somewhere as permanent as CRAN itself (see the caveats at the bottom of
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html), that is, not
GitHub. I think that Zenodo counts as a sufficiently reliable store.

Best regards,

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