[R-pkg-devel] Urgent Review of R Packages in Light of Recent RDS Exploit

Vladimir Dergachev vo|ody@ @end|ng |rom m|nd@pr|ng@com
Sat May 4 20:08:18 CEST 2024

On Sat, 4 May 2024, Maciej Nasinski wrote:

> Hey Vladimir,
> Thank you for your answer.
> GitHub codespaces are "a separate computer" and are free for students and the educational sector.

Hi Maciej,

    What I was suggesting is that instead of encapsulating the application 
in a container that runs on the same physical hardware as other 
containers, you would be more secure to use a dedicated computer for the 


Vladimir Dergachev

> The GitHub codespaces are a cloud service that can be created anytime, with a specific setup behind it (Dockerfile, settings.json, renv.lock,  ...).
> The machines GitHub codespaces offer are quite decent (4core 16GB RAM 32GB Memory). 
> You can destroy and recreate it anytime you want to.
> You run GitHub codespaces from a web browser, but as Ivan stated, you may need a decent computer to handle them, even if all calculations are done on the cloud.
> I use GitHub codespaces for all my University projects with my friends.  It is great that I do not have to explain many things nowadays to older stuff as many things are automatic on GitHub
> codespaces.
> KR
> Maciej Nasinski
> University of Warsaw
> On Sat, 4 May 2024 at 18:53, Vladimir Dergachev <volodya using mindspring.com> wrote:
>       On Sat, 4 May 2024, Maciej Nasinski wrote:
>       > Thank you all for the discussion.Then, we should promote "code awareness" and count on the CRAN Team to continue their great work:)
>       >
>       > What do you think about promoting containers?
>       > Nowadays, containers are more accessible, with GitHub codespaces being more affordable (mostly free for students and the educational sector).
>       > I feel containers can help a little bit in making the R work more secure, but once more when used properly.
>       I think it is not a good idea to focus on one use case. Some people will
>       find containers more convenient some don't.
>       If you want security, I am sure containers are not the right approach -
>       get a separate physical computer instead.
>       >From a convenience point of view containers are only ok as long as you
>       don't need to interface with outside software, then it gets tricky as the
>       security keeping things containerized starts interfering with getting work
>       done. (Prime example: firefox snap on ubuntu)
>       One situation where containers can be helpful is distribution of
>       commercial applications. Containers allow you to freeze library versions,
>       so your app can still run with old C library or a specific version of
>       Python. You can then _hope_ that containers will have fewer compatibility
>       issues, or at least you can sell containers to your management on this
>       idea.
>       But this is not really a good thing for an open source project like R.
>       best
>       Vladimir Dergachev
>       >
>       > KR
>       > Maciej Nasinski
>       > University of Warsaw
>       >
>       > On Sat, 4 May 2024 at 07:17, Vladimir Dergachev <volodya using mindspring.com> wrote:
>       >
>       >
>       >       On Fri, 3 May 2024, Ivan Krylov via R-package-devel wrote:
>       >
>       >       > Dear Maciej Nasinski,
>       >       >
>       >       > On Fri, 3 May 2024 11:37:57 +0200
>       >       > Maciej Nasinski <nasinski.maciej using gmail.com> wrote:
>       >       >
>       >       >> I believe we must conduct a comprehensive review of all existing CRAN
>       >       >> packages.
>       >       >
>       >       > Why now? R packages are already code. You don't need poisoned RDS files
>       >       > to wreak havoc using an R package.
>       >       >
>       >       > On the other hand, R data files contain R objects, which contain code.
>       >       > You don't need exploits to smuggle code inside an R object.
>       >       >
>       >
>       >       I think the confusion arises because users expect "R data files" to only
>       >       contain data, i.e. numbers, but they can contain any R object, including
>       >       functions.
>       >
>       >       I, personally, never use them out of concern that accidentally saved
>       >       function can override some functionality and be difficult to debug. And,
>       >       of course, I never save R sessions.
>       >
>       >       If you need to pass data it is a good idea to use some common format like
>       >       tab-separated CSV files with column names. One can also use MVL files
>       >       (RMVL package).
>       >
>       >       best
>       >
>       >       Vladimir Dergachev
>       >
>       >
>       >

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