[R-pkg-devel] [External] Re: Package submission to CRAN not passing incoming checks

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Wed Apr 24 10:29:57 CEST 2024

В Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:17:28 +0000
"Petersen, Isaac T" <isaac-t-petersen using uiowa.edu> пишет:

> I included the packages (including the raw package folders and their
> .tar.gz files) in the /inst/extdata folder.

Would you prefer your test to install them from the source directories
(as you currently do, in which case the *.tar.gz files can be omitted)
or the *.tar.gz files (in which case you can set the `repos` argument
to a file:/// URI and omit the package directories and the setwd()

I think (but haven't tested) that the two problems that are currently
breaking your test are with .libPaths() and setwd().

.libPaths(temp_lib) overwrites the library paths with `temp_lib` and
the system libraries, the ones in %PROGRAMFILES%\R\R-*\library. In
particular, this removes %LOCALAPPDATA%\R\win-library\* from the list
of library paths, so the packages installed by the user (including
'waldo', which is needed by 'testthat') stop being available.

In order to add temp_lib to the list of the paths, use
.libPaths(c(temp_lib, .libPaths())).

Since setwd() returns the previous directory, one that was current
before setwd() was called, the code newpath <- setwd(filepath);
setwd(newpath) will keep the current directory, not set it to
`filepath`. Use oldpath <- setwd(filepath) instead.

Since you're already using 'testthat' and it already depends on
'withr', you may find it easier to use withr::local_dir(...) and

In order to test for a package being attached by load_or_install() (and
not just installed and loadable), check for 'package:testpackage1'
being present in the return value of search(). (This check is good
enough and much easier to write than comparing environments on the
search path with the package exports or comparing searchpaths() with
the paths under the temporary library.)

Finally, I think that there is no need for the test_load_or_install()
call because I don't see the function being defined anywhere. Doesn't
test_that(...) run the tests by itself?

Best regards,

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