[R-pkg-devel] Matrix 1.7-0 to be released in March with ABI-breaking SuiteSparse update

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Wed Apr 10 12:52:25 CEST 2024

>>>>> Tim Taylor 
>>>>>     on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 10:37:00 +0100 writes:

    > Hi Mikael Revisiting this. Have the plans changed for
    > 1.7-0 release?

    > Tim

Yes.  Matrix 1.7-0 *has* been on CRAN now for while
(i.e. 'March' has remained as announced), *but*
-- because of the ABI change and the problem it can cause for
   *some* users --

we have made it  'Depends: R (>= 4.4.0)'
i.e., you *see* the new Matrix only once you use R 4.4.0
which has been available as "alpha" already and is now in
"beta" already, e.g.,

  R version 4.4.0 beta (2024-04-10 r86393) -- "Puppy Cup"

Best regards,

Martin Maechler
ETH Zurich  and  R Core Team

    > On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, at 6:36 PM, Mikael Jagan wrote:
    >> Dear users and binary repository maintainers,
    >> We are preparing Matrix version 1.7-0 for CRAN submission
    >> on March 11, ahead of the spring release of R version
    >> 4.4.0.  The only significant change from Matrix 1.6-5 is
    >> an update of the internal SuiteSparse libraries (5.10.1
    >> -> 7.6.0).  Unfortunately, the old and new SuiteSparse
    >> versions are binary incompatible, hence so too will be
    >> the old and new Matrix versions.
    >> A corollary is that users and binary repository
    >> maintainers switching between Matrix < 1.7-0 and Matrix
    >> >= 1.7-0 must rebuild _from sources_ packages that link
    >> Matrix:
    >> > tools::package_dependencies("Matrix", which =
    >> "LinkingTo", reverse = TRUE)[[1L]] [1] "ahMLE"
    >> "bayesWatch" "cplm" [4] "GeneralizedWendland" "geostatsp"
    >> "irlba" [7] "lme4" "mcmcsae" "OpenMx" [10] "PRIMME"
    >> "PUlasso" "robustlmm" [13] "spGARCH" "TMB" "bcSeq"
    >> For users, that means doing, e.g.,
    >> install.packages("lme4", type = "source")
    >> but an alternative for Windows and macOS users without
    >> the required tools is
    >> oo <- options(repos = "https://cran.r-project.org/")
    >> install.packages("Matrix") install.packages("lme4")
    >> options(oo)
    >> where we trust CRAN to provide binaries compatible with
    >> the latest Matrix version (because we notify CRAN upon
    >> submission about required rebuilds).  Once other
    >> repositories react with rebuilds, they can be used
    >> instead of CRAN.
    >> Our reverse dependency checks (and history, intuition,
    >> ...) show that most problems (caught segfaults in this
    >> case) can be traced to a binary incompatible lme4 and not
    >> to one of the other packages linking Matrix.  Still, we
    >> recommend rebuilds for all 15 packages.
    >> Maintainers of packages that link Matrix can implement an
    >> .onLoad test for possible binary incompatibility by
    >> comparing the value of
    >> if (utils::packageVersion("Matrix") >= "1.6.2")
    >> Matrix::Matrix.Version()[["abi"]] else
    >> numeric_version("0")
    >> at install time and at load time, warning the user if the
    >> values differ.  But please do look at the above and not
    >> at packageVersion("Matrix") directly, as the ABI version
    >> is incremented less often than the package version.
    >> Mikael {on behalf of citation("Matrix")$author}
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