[R-pkg-devel] [EXTERN] Re: [EXTERN] Re: [EXTERN] Re: @doctype is deprecated. need help for r package documentation

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Tue Mar 12 11:58:55 CET 2024

В Mon, 11 Mar 2024 14:57:58 +0000
"Ruff, Sergej" <Sergej.Ruff using tiho-hannover.de> пишет:

> I uploaded the old version of the package to my repo:
> https://github.com/SergejRuff/boot

After installing this tarball, running RStudio and typing:


...I see the help page in RStudio's help tab, not in the browser. I
think this is the expected behaviour for RStudio.

Best regards,

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