[R-pkg-devel] Package required but not available: ‘arrow’

Rolf Turner ro||turner @end|ng |rom po@teo@net
Sun Feb 25 05:44:37 CET 2024

On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:19:41 -0600
Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org> wrote:

> On 23 February 2024 at 15:53, Leo Mada wrote:
> | Dear Dirk & R-Members,
> | 
> | It seems that the version number is not incremented:
> | # Archived
> | arrow_14.0.2.1.tar.gz   2024-02-08 11:57  3.9M
> | # Pending
> | arrow_14.0.2.1.tar.gz   2024-02-08 18:24  3.9M
> | 
> | Maybe this is the reason why it got stuck in "pending".
> No it is not.
> The hint to increase version numbers on re-submission is a weaker
> 'should' or 'might', not a strong 'must'.
> I have uploaded a few packages to CRAN over the last two decades, and
> like others have made mistakes requiring iterations. I have not once
> increased a version number.

That's as may be but IMHO (and AFAICS) it never hurts to increment the
version number, even if you've only corrected a trivial glitch.



Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
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         +64-9-373-7599 ext. 89622
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