[R-pkg-devel] Conversion failure in 'mbcsToSbcs'

Package Maintainer ggene@|ogyp@ck@ge @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Feb 12 17:01:27 CET 2024

Dear Ivan:

Thank you again for all your support.

I recently incorporated your suggestion to add the line:

\SweaveOpts{pdf.encoding = ISOLatin2.enc}

to line 32 of my vignette file, the latest copy of which is located
here (https://github.com/lindsayrutter/ggenealogy/blob/master/vignettes/ggenealogy.Rnw).

I don't *believe* I changed or created a plot device either, which you
advised not to do.

I then ran:

1) R CMD build
2) debian-gcc-devel
3) debian-clang-devel

And my .tar file passed all three. So, I then uploaded my .tar file to
the CRAN submission page.

Unfortunately, I received a reply from the CRAN submission team
stating that my vignette file is still obtaining the "mbcsToSbcs"
ERROR as is shown here

The latest version of my package and its vignette code is on my
GitHub: https://github.com/lindsayrutter/ggenealogy/blob/master/vignettes/ggenealogy.Rnw

I'm still a bit at a loss on how to resolve this issue. I would be all
ears if you (and/or others) might have any further advice.

Thank you again for your patience and support.

Kind regards,

PS: Thanks for the advice about plain text mode. Hopefully, I have
correctly abide by that advice in this current email.

On Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 3:25 PM Ivan Krylov <krylov.r00t using gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 13:53:52 +0000
> Package Maintainer <ggenealogypackage using gmail.com> wrote:
> > I added the code you suggested to the package vignette:
> It won't work without setting my.Swd as the new plot device instead of
> pdf():
> \SweaveOpts{grdevice=my.Swd,pdf=FALSE}
> You have this directive commented out a few lines later, inside a code
> block. It should instead be present outside the code block, without a %
> before it.
> (It's best to link to a copy of the code available for viewing
> somewhere. While I was able to fish out a copy of your package from the
> CRAN FTP server this time, it is not always possible to do so.)
> A less intrusive way to avoid the error is using the following Sweave
> directive:
> \SweaveOpts{pdf.encoding = ISOLatin2.enc}
> (Without changing the plot device or creating a new plot device in a
> hidden code block.)
> > In both those cases, I didn't see the ERROR of "Conversion failure in
> > 'mbcsToSbcs'".
> In order to replicate the problem, you need (1) a fairly recent R-devel
> (a pre-release version, e.g. [*]) and (2) the environment variable
> _R_CHECK_MBCS_CONVERSION_FAILURE_ set. R-hub runs recent R-devel but
> doesn't set the environment variable. I don't know for sure, but I
> think that you are running a released version of R. I hope that R-core
> will make this test part of R CMD check --as-cran, making it possible
> to reproduce such failures with just a copy of R-devel, without extra
> environment variables.
> --
> Best regards,
> Ivan
> [*] https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rdevel.html
> P.S. Could you please switch your mailer to plain text instead of HTML
> when sending messages to the list? When you compose your e-mail in
> HTML, your mailer automatically prepares a plain text equivalent where
> the code block is seriously mangled. This plain text equivalent is what
> the list subscribers see:
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-package-devel/2023q4/010102.html

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