[R-pkg-devel] Bioconductor reverse dependency checks for a CRAN package

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Mon Feb 5 21:19:31 CET 2024

Thank you Georgi Boshnakov, Ben Bolker, and Diego Hernangómez Herrero
for introducing me to `revdepcheck`!

On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 12:38:57 -0500
Ben Bolker <bbolker using gmail.com> wrote:

> I have had a few issues with it 
> <https://github.com/r-lib/revdepcheck/issues/330> but overall it's
> been very helpful.

Indeed that looks perplexing. Writable .Library can also cause problems
for people running R-svn built in their home directories without
R_LIBS_USER set when they check their packages without Suggests.
I'm also relying on .Library.site for the dependencies of the reverse
dependencies. So far, my setup seems to be working as intended, but I'll
keep this issue in mind.

On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:57:41 +0100
Diego Hernangómez Herrero <diego.hernangomezherrero using gmail.com> wrote:

> Haven’t tried with a package with such an amount of revdeps, but my
> approach is revdepcheck in GH actions and commiting the result to the
> repo (that is somehow similar to the docker approach if you host the
> package in GitHub).

Great to know that reverse dependency checks can run in CI! I think
I'll keep a stateful virtual machine for now, because otherwise I would
need to find space for 4 to 32 gigabytes of cache somewhere (or download
everything from the repository mirrors every time).

Best regards,

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