[R-pkg-devel] Assistance Needed for Resolving Submission Issues with openaistream Package

iibi@giei m@iii@g oii si@@@com iibi@giei m@iii@g oii si@@@com
Mon Jan 22 10:50:33 CET 2024

Hi,I am writing to seek guidance regarding some challenges I've encountered while submitting my package, openaistream, to CRAN. I have recently received feedback from the CRAN team, and I'm looking for assistance to address the issues noted.The package in question aims to provide streaming capabilities for OpenAI API interactions and is based on the 'httr2' framework. While the last released version's CRAN status is marked as 'OK: 12', I have been advised to fix certain problems and resubmit a revised version.The specific areas of concern are:License Information: There's a note indicating that the license stub is an "invalid DCF". I've used 'MIT + file LICENSE' as the licensing terms. I would appreciate guidance on how to correctly format this section to meet the DCF standards.General Submission: I've been directed to win-builder pretest for more details. However, I'm finding it challenging to pinpoint the exact issues that need rectification. Any insights or suggestions on common pitfalls or areas to focus on would be immensely helpful.I have thoroughly reviewed the provided links and documentation but would greatly benefit from the community's expertise and experience in addressing these specific concerns. If there are any resources, examples, or advice you can share, it would be greatly appreciated.Windows: <https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/openaistream_0.2.0_20240122_043830/Windows/00check.log>Status: 2 NOTEsDebian: <https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/openaistream_0.2.0_20240122_043830/Debian/00check.log>Status: 2 NOTEs
Best regards,Li Gen
Email: libingfei using sina.comGitHub: https://github.com/libingfei/openaistream
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