[R-pkg-devel] checking CRAN incoming feasibility

Rolf Turner ro||turner @end|ng |rom po@teo@net
Tue Jan 16 06:49:01 CET 2024

On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 16:24:59 +1100
Hugh Parsonage <hugh.parsonage using gmail.com> wrote:

> >  Surely the software just has to check
> that there is web connection to a CRAN mirror.
> Nope! The full code is in tools:::.check_package_CRAN_incoming  (the
> body of which filled up my entire console), but to name a few checks
> it has to do: check that the name of the package is not the same as
> any other, including archived packages (which means that it has to
> download the package metadata), make sure the licence is ok, see if
> the version number is ok. 10 minutes is quite a lot though. I suspect
> the initial connection may have been faulty.

Well, it may not have been 10 minutes, but it was at least 5.  The
problem is persistent/repeatable.  I don't believe that there is any
faulty connection.

Thanks for the insight.


Rolf Turner

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Stats. Dep't. (secretaries) phone:
         +64-9-373-7599 ext. 89622
Home phone: +64-9-480-4619

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