[R-pkg-devel] Assigning an object to the global environment (shiny package)

Tiago Olivoto t|@goo||voto @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Jan 4 21:51:15 CET 2024

Hi everyone!
I which a happy new year!

I'm coding a shiny app and I would like to include an option so that the
users can assign the results to the global environment for further analysis.

I have written the following code, which checks if 'globalvarname' (the
name of object to be created in the global environment) already exists,
returning an error if so, and asking to the user change the name.

observeEvent(input$savetoglobalenv, {
 ### more code here

  if (exists(input$globalvarname, envir = globalenv())) {
      session = session,
      title = "Error",
      text = paste0("The object'", input$globalvarname, "' already exists
in the global environment. Please, change the name."),
      type = "success"
  } else {
    assign(input$globalvarname, report, envir = globalenv())
      inputId = "myconfirmation",
      type = "warning",
      title = "Close the App?",
      text = paste0("The object'", input$globalvarname, "' has been created
in the Global environment. To access the created object, you need first to
stop the App. Do you really want to close the app now?"),
      btn_labels = c("Nope", "Yep"),
      btn_colors = c("#FE642E", "#04B404")

Thus, the object is only created when the user decides to assign such an
object to the global environment. As the object's name is checked, there is
no way of replacing some object already available in the global environment.

Of course, when running devtools::check(), a NOTE is returned

Found the following assignments to the global environment:
  Arquivo 'plimanshiny/R/mod_analyze.R':

Can I ignore this safely?
Is there any suggestion to handly this without using 'assign()'

Thanks in advance,

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