[R-pkg-devel] CRAN submission struggle

Christiaan Pieterse p|et|e@cjp@1908 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Dec 16 18:41:16 CET 2023

Good day fellow developers!

I am trying to upload a package to CRAN that I developed.
I've tried before to upload it but ended up with a package file that is a
complete mess so I decided to restart.
Here are the steps I followed when I created my file:

   1. Created a folder on my desktop called "iopspackage".
   2. Created a subfolder called 'R' which contained my .R package. This .R
   file contained the Roxygen2 comments. (I was very unsure what comments to
   include in this so it might be wrong, I'm unsure)
   3. Included a DESCRIPTION file is the 'iopspackage' folder. (Once again
   I was very unsure what to include in this file so it might be wrong).
   4. My package requires a dataset in order to run the example so I
   created a file and sub file called 'inst'/'extdata' which contained the
   .csv datasets.
   5. Created an empty 'man' folder to be populated when the Roxygen2
   function is run.
   6. I ran the Roxygen2 function with the correct directory, using
   7. I built the package using *R CMD build
   8. I checked the tar file using *R CMD check --as-cran
   "iopspackage_2.1.0.tar.gz". *This yielded errors, warnings and notes
   which I don't know how to solve and suspect are due to me setting the file
   up wrong.

I've been told before not to include my package as an attachment, so can
someone please help me with the submission process? I've been struggling
with this for months. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can send my zip file over a private email so as not to disturb all the
developers and their storage space (It is a 10mb file)

Kind regards

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