[R-pkg-devel] Wrong mailing list: Could the 100 byte path length limit be lifted?

Vladimir Dergachev vo|ody@ @end|ng |rom m|nd@pr|ng@com
Thu Dec 14 15:18:54 CET 2023

On Wed, 13 Dec 2023, McGrath, Justin M wrote:

> On Windows, packages will be in "C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\R\win-library\[R version]\[Package Name]".
> With a 150 byte limit, that leaves 70 bytes for the user name, R version 
> and package name. That seems more than sufficient. If people are 
> downloading the source files, that also leaves plenty of space 
> regardless where they choose to extract the files.

70 bytes ?? My name is 18 characters long and there are plenty of people 
with longer names. I also saw practice on Windows systems to append the 
name of organization or department.

Also, this restricts the length of package name which is arguably more 
important that internal package path names that the user never sees.

That said, that Windows limitation is only for some programs, and the 
pertitent question is whether R and any software used by R has this 
limitation. I suspect the answer is no, but as all my systems are Linux
I can not check.

Vladimir Dergachev

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