[R-pkg-devel] vignette with "Run Examples"

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Dec 12 09:02:35 CET 2023

On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:24:11 +0100
Sigbert Klinke <sigbert using wiwi.hu-berlin.de> wrote:

> is it possible to get a button or link to run an example in a vignette

Technically, yes, but very hard to implement in practice.

Vignettes are a form of literate programming, expressed in terms of
files: there's a source file containing code mixed with prose, and
there are two programs, one of which extracts the code into a runnable
.R file and the other renders the code together with prose and any
resulting plots into a human-readable document. A link to run examples
implies that there's R running somewhere, which cannot be guaranteed by
the time the human-readable document is opened by the human.

One way around this problem would be to embed a copy of webR [*] in the
document so that R would run in the browser. This involves a
significant developer effort and would either bloat your vignette to
the size of an R installation or make it depend on external resources
to load webR from (that could go away or spy on the user). webR is
still experimental; last time I tried it, it crashed the browser tab
when I invoked functions from the quadprog package.

Another way would be to add a hack to the vignette engine to start a
server at vignette rendering time, insert the link to this server into
the vignette as it's being rendered and hope that the server is still
running by the time the vignette is opened. This would require the user
to re-render the vignette every time they restart the server.

Technically, one could also invent a completely new kind of vignette
engine that would output self-contained executable files with a
document rendering engine and R built in, so that a click on the "Run
examples" would use that built-in R. This is basically the webR
solution without the web and with a lot of extra pain.

You could also fake some of it by writing extra JavaScript (with the
help of third-party statistics libraries, e.g. [**]) to do the same
thing in the browser as is done in R, but that's still a lot of work
for little benefit.

Yet another way would be to make these links point to an external
service somewhere on the Internet that would run the R code. Since R is
not designed to work with untrusted input (not to mention untrusted
users entering code), that would be an informational security nightmare
both on your side (R would have to run in locked-down read-only
disposable virtual machines hardened against sandbox escape and
privilege escalation exploits) and on the GDPR side of things.

There are doubtlessly more approaches, but I think they would all be
this convoluted or worse.

Best regards,

[*] https://docs.r-wasm.org/webr/latest/

[**] https://github.com/svkucheryavski/mdatools-js

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