[R-pkg-devel] A template R package to incorporate C++ code via Rcpp

Sameh Abdulah @@meh@@bdu|@h @end|ng |rom k@u@t@edu@@@
Sat Dec 2 19:11:13 CET 2023

Hi All,

I want to share that we have developed a template R package that easily incorporates C++ code via Rcpp. This template streamlines the process of integrating R and C++. The template package facilitates:

Flexibility in  Building: It employs the CMake build system, offering more versatility than the standard R build system. This makes incorporating external libraries a breeze.
Efficient Testing Environment: Comes equipped with the Catch2 library, setting up a streamlined pipeline for testing and development.
Ease of Development: Designed for simplicity, it requires minimal Rcpp experience, allowing for a faster and more accessible development process.
Versatility for C++ Projects: The package can also be integrated as a separate module in any C++ project.

More details can be found: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7136774813066358785/

The template: https://github.com/stsds/Template-Rcpp

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