[R-pkg-devel] Trouble with greek letter in figure title in R-devel

Uwe Ligges ||gge@ @end|ng |rom @t@t|@t|k@tu-dortmund@de
Tue Nov 14 17:57:44 CET 2023

Not sure if it is yet part of the --as-cran checks.
But you can set the env var



On 14.11.2023 17:29, Ulrike Grömping wrote:
> Thank you for spotting this, I should have found it myself :-(
> I suppose I don't get this error even from latest R-devel because of the 
> settings of my Windows system?
> Best, Ulrike
> Am 14.11.2023 um 17:16 schrieb Uwe Ligges:
>> On 14.11.2023 15:45, Ulrike Groemping wrote:
>>> Dear package developers,
>>> I am struggling with an error on R devel (all flavors) that I cannot 
>>> reproduce with a freshly installed R-devel on my machine: Function 
>>> halfnormal in package DoE.base places the greek letter alpha in the 
>>> title of a figure. I changed the code to using plotmath about a month 
>>> ago (on CRAN request), and everything seemed fine then. Now, however, 
>>> R-devel produces an error message 
>>> (https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-devel-windows-x86_64/DoE.base-00check.html):
>>> Error in title(...) :
>>>    conversion failure on 'Plot for rnorm.12., method = Lenth, α = 
>>> 0.05' in 'mbcsToSbcs': for α (U+03B1)
>> Yes, and your code contains
>>      titel <- bquote(paste("Plot for ", paste(xnam), ", method = ", 
>> .(method),
>>      ", \U03B1 = ", .(alpha), sep=""))
>> So please change this to plotmath as in the instance further above in 
>> your code where you already wrote
>>     titel <- as.expression(bquote("Plot for "*.(xnam)*", "*alpha == 
>> .(alpha)))
>> Best,
>> Uwe Ligges
>>> Calls: halfnormal ... <Anonymous> -> plot -> plot.default -> 
>>> localTitle -> title
>>> Execution halted
>>> CRAN threaten to archive the package because of that error - so I 
>>> would really appreciate help on finding out what I should do (apart 
>>> from nasty things like writing alpha instead of using the greek letter).
>>> The code in function halfnormal that creates the title in question 
>>> looks as follows:
>>>    ## added August 1 5 2014, modified Oct 17 2023
>>>    if (is.null(titel)){
>>>       titel <- as.expression(bquote("Plot for "*.(xnam)*", "*alpha == 
>>> .(alpha)))
>>>       dots$main <- titel
>>>    }
>>> The list dots is later used in "do.call(plotfun, dots)".
>>> Any recommendations?
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Ulrike
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