[R-pkg-devel] Package submission issue - OMP reduction (flang-new)

Romain Pierlot rom@|n@p|er|ot @end|ng |rom u-borde@ux@|r
Mon Nov 13 16:39:45 CET 2023

Hi everyone, 

I sent a first message a few weeks ago. I'm still in trouble for sending a package (Frailtypack) on the CRAN. It was removed because of reinforcement in CRAN requirements. 
We corrected the few issues, but more appeared, and one that I'm still enable to correct. 

Here is the error message, and the adequate code part is joint in the mail : 

error: loc("/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/incoming/frailtypack.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/frailtypack/src/Integrale_mult_scl.f90":1811:17): 'omp.reduction' op must be used within an operation supporting reduction clause interface 
error: verification of lowering to FIR failed 

I've already received precious help, that indicated me that the error probably comes from the flang-new compiler used by the CRAN (He replicated the error, I send you the code he made in attachment too : test_fortran.f90). 
I tried the code portion with other compilers (gfortran), and the error didn't appear. 

Nevertheless, It may be a compiler error, the CRAN keeps denying the package. 

Does anyone have a solution, to avoid this error please ? 

Thanks a lot for your answers ! 

Romain Pierlot 

[ https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/ ] [ http://www.aquitaine-poitou-charentes.inserm.fr/ ] 

[ mailto: | Romain Pierlot ] 
Ingénieur de recherches Bio-Informatique 

[ https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/ | https://www.u-bordeaux.fr ] 

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