[R-pkg-devel] Warning from orphaned package on check page

Georgi Boshnakov georg|@bo@hn@kov @end|ng |rom m@nche@ter@@c@uk
Thu Nov 9 12:42:52 CET 2023

Orphaned packages can't be listed in DEPENDS and IMPORTS fields in file DESCRIPTION. They can be in SUGGESTS but calls of functions from them should be guarded, eg with a message to install the offending package. In examples and tests the usage should be conditional on the package being installed.

Another option is to take over maintenance of that package. In your case, with so many dependencies someone may be working on bringing it back.

Georgi Boshnakov

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From: R-package-devel <r-package-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Liam J. Revell <liam.revell using umb.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 11:30:05 AM
To: Alexandre Courtiol <alexandre.courtiol using gmail.com>
Cc: r-package-devel using r-project.org <r-package-devel using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Warning from orphaned package on check page

My apologies for the lack of clarity.

plotrix has been orphaned so my package results page now says

     checking package dependencies ... WARNING
     Requires orphaned package: �plotrix�

CRAN incoming requires maintainers to certify: 'I have fixed all
problems shown on the package check page.' Since I can't unorphan
plotrix, I can't certify this statement & thus can't get a new version
of my package on CRAN. Advice on how to proceed is welcomed.

Liam J. Revell
Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!EUF27KhzseEpywIN0EnjFB_d4JQ9VgFwYWOCrNH1U9F6Bqh9SOqbi57oq38wPjZFM-40ALcQXaITFEjCuIgQOW0aznrXaHjdobg$ [faculty[.]umb[.]edu]
Book: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R (Princeton University Press,

On 11/9/2023 4:10 AM, Alexandre Courtiol wrote:
> You don't often get email from alexandre.courtiol using gmail.com. Learn why
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> Dear Liam,
> I don't understand your question: if your package has plotrix listed
> as a dependency, it won't affect plotrix.
> Only the opposite would be true. Could you please clarify and indicate
> which package you are referring to?
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 09:57, Liam J. Revell <liam.revell using umb.edu> wrote:
>     Dear colleagues.
>     I'm trying to update a package on CRAN containing a dependency
>     (specifically, on the popular graphing package 'plotrix') that has
>     been
>     orphaned because the maintainer is deceased.
>     'plotrix' is imported by well over 100 other CRAN packages, so I
>     hope it
>     is not removed from CRAN. On the other hand, I don't want to certify
>     that 'I have fixed all problems shown on the package check page'
>     if this
>     is not, in fact, the case.
>     Can anyone comment on how one might proceed in this situation?
>     Thank you. -- Liam
>     --
>     Liam J. Revell
>     Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
>     Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!EUF27KhzseEpywIN0EnjFB_d4JQ9VgFwYWOCrNH1U9F6Bqh9SOqbi57oq38wPjZFM-40ALcQXaITFEjCuIgQOW0aznrXaHjdobg$ [faculty[.]umb[.]edu]
>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!EUF27KhzseEpywIN0EnjFB_d4JQ9VgFwYWOCrNH1U9F6Bqh9SOqbi57oq38wPjZFM-40ALcQXaITFEjCuIgQOW0aznrXaHjdobg$ [faculty[.]umb[.]edu]>
>     Book: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R (Princeton University
>     Press,
>     2022)
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