[R-pkg-devel] Rmarkdown fails if (quote) r (space) is used

J C Nash pro|jcn@@h @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 3 15:54:22 CET 2023

I've spent a couple of hours with an Rmarkdown document where I
was describing some spherical coordinates made up of a radius r and
some angles. I wanted to fix the radius at 1.

In my Rmarkdown text I wrote

    Thus we have `r = 1` ...

This caused failure to render with "unexpected =". I was using Rstudio
at first and didn't see the error msg.

If I use "radius R" and `R = 1`, things are fine, or `r=1` with no space,
but the particular "(quote) r (space)" seems to trigger code block processing.

Perhaps this note can save others some wasted time.

I had thought (obviously incorrectly) that one needed ```{r something}
to start the code chunk.


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